Lessons Learned

About a year ago a small group of women in my church and I started meeting to pray and seek God about post abortion ministry in our church.  We talked about how it might look and we prayed.  I recently had the opportunity to make a video testimony and it was beautiful to watch as God answered so many of our prayers. 

These are the lessons I learned as I reflect on this experience:
1. God Brings Healing in Community- When we share our hearts, our failures, hurts, and insecurities with other trusted Christian friends there is so much healing that takes place.  You can relate to each other, they've been through what you've been through, they get you.  They support you, encourage you, and most importantly they pray for you.  I have some of the dearest friendships that have formed through coming into community around our abortions.  There is a love and a sisterhood that we have for each other.  Our friendships are special.

2. God Answers Prayer- I can’t tell you how many prayers the Lord answered through this experience.  Prayers for reaching the church with the message of hope in Jesus after an abortion, prayers about me doing the video and not sounding like a complete dufus, prayers for my parents and their support, prayers for the sermon, the list goes on and on, so many answered prayers.  The Lord is faithful.

3. Abortion is a Death Experience- Abortion ends life.  When there is a death there is grief.  There is a sense of loss.  It is a loss that no matter how much healing takes place it is still painful.  I don't grieve like those who have no hope, but my heart still grieves (1Thes. 4:13). 

4. The Lord Continues to Heal- Just when you think God is done with you He does something new.  In the making of this video I wanted to do right by my parents.  I knew that to do that I needed to talk to them about it and get their blessing.  I had some of the most treasured conversations with my parents through this experience.  It brought about another opportunity to look on the past and have redemptive conversations.  We shared our hearts, we cried together over the loss of life and our decision, and at times we even laughed.  I stand completely in awe of our great God.  He is a miracle working God.  I never would have imagined before I started down the path of healing that He would give me these precious gifts.

5. God Can Redeem the Past- In the words of my dad, "If sharing your story helps one person, then it was worth it."  If stepping out of our comfort zones even in small ways means that it will help one person then it's worth it. 

6. I Have Much to be Thankful For- I am so grateful for my supportive husband and my two precious children.  I am grateful for my family and the support of friends, Care Net, and my church-Faithbridge. 

7. The Lord is my Rock- The Lord is a solid foundation.  When I doubt He is my Rock.  When I have fear He is my Rock.   He is my refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1). 
This is the Video Testimony:

If you have been impacted by an abortion, we have several studies starting in the Fall in Houston and Cypress, TX.  Please contact me at nicolevaleri@hotmail.com or contact Care Net at 281.444.8554 for more information.

To Listen to the Full Sermon:


  1. Nicole we are kindred spirits! Thank you for sharing your story so openly!

    1. Hi Courtney! Thank you for checking out my blog and for your kind words. Me being able to share my story is a testament to the Lord's work in my life. Blessings to you, Nicole


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